baggieLayout - 1.3.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -added a SampleGridBag class, just to compare syntax -added/cleaned up javadoc on BaggieLayout and BaggieConstraint classes -(caused small regression problem) changed package name from org.peterMaloney.swing.baggie to org.peterMaloney.swing.baggieLayout baggieLayout - 1.3.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ baggieLayout - 1.3.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -fixed a bug where the table width & height weights can only be omitted if printing warnings is enabled baggieLayout - 1.3.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -changed align xml attribute. can now use alignx/aligny/halign/valign and can use float numbers. align can take 2 floats separated by a space (or comma). baggieLayout - 1.2.9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ baggieLayout - 1.2.8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -moved the warning printing method and properties from BaggieConstraint to BaggieLayout -removed the "auto" fill thing (to go with the new changes to filling, otherwise things unexpectedly have really high max size, like swing sets for defaults) -added aliasses for fills (left, right, topright, etc. can be used now) -added float values for fills, to be set with the valign and align attributes (alignX and alignY bean properties) baggieLayout - 1.2.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ baggieLayout - 1.2.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ baggieLayout - 1.2.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ baggieLayout - 1.2.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -changed pref size calculation so the maximum preferred is taken instead of the average -fixed a bug, which caused a cell with no fill to shrink because it didn't make space for insets baggieLayout - 1.2.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -made the readjustment of pixels more gradual in the readjustment loop (Table class), so sizes change smoother when the container size changes baggieLayout - 1.2.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -changed the way that default min/max/pref for components is calculated so height & width are independent. (setting width doesn't stop the component from changing its height) baggieLayout - 1.2.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ baggieLayout - 1.1.68 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -removed debug messages baggieLayout - 1.1.67 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -fixed problem where a component with a border would have the wrong minimum size set (which only affects the auto minimum that was added in the previous version) baggieLayout - 1.1.66 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -added for automatically determining an appropriate fill, which is the default now -added code to BaggieLayout that automatically sets the minimum, maximum, and preferred if they are not already set. baggieLayout - 1.1.65 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -implemented borders and titles (as long as the Border class has a default constructor) -modified the SizeControlledJFrame a bit so the inital size is handled better -added the Sample class baggieLayout - 1.1.47 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -changed comments baggieLayout - 1.1.46 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -removed debug output from SizeControlledJFrame -added a test (which failed) -fixed problem caused by a whole row being occupied by previous row's cells (all with rowspan>1) baggieLayout - 1.1.45 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -added lots of JavaDoc baggieLayout - 1.1.44 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -put a fix/workaround for a problem with SizeControlledJFrame in Java 1.5